Friday, December 14, 2012


This week students started to discover the various functions of the organelles of the eukaryotic cell.  Students took a look at an onion cell ( plant) and a cheek cell ( animal ), earlier in the week and compared the images and organelles in which they posses.  On Friday students started their Cell Analogy Project.  Students will be comparing each organelle to something they are more familiar with.  These familiar items will come from magazines that have been donated from students ( thank you!!).
Have a great weekend!

Friday, December 7, 2012


Over the past week, 7th graders have started to explore the microscopic world of cells.  Students have been utilizing the microscopes quite often.  These are very important tools in the science classroom and I am quite impressed with how well the students are handling them.  Early in the week, students became experts in the Cell Theory, and the various scientists who took part in creating the theory for us today.  Students continued to explore the cell by identifying the similarities and differences of all cells.  All of the students completed an observation activity where they viewed prokaryotes and eukaryotes ( the two different types of cells) under the microscope.  Afterwards we discussed the similarities and differences that were viewed.
Next week, students will be learning about the various types of organelles that are in eukaryotic cells.  Over the weekend, the students are previewing the material with reading and notes.  After we go over the notes together as a class, students will start the next in class project- the Cell Analogy Project.

Monday, November 26, 2012


Here are is the answer key to the purple review packet.  Remember, if you have any questions either come in the morning to the review session or email ( Rotation Reivew Answers

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


This week students are getting ready to take their final Plant Test when we get back from Thanksgiving Break.  They are starting to review on Tuesday and the Monday we get back will be a day devoted to review.  I am also going to hold a review session for those students who would like a little extra help the morning of the test, Tuesday, November 27th.
At this time students are also taking time to revise their 'Travelin' Seeds Lab'.  I wanted students to self assess their conclusions [only]  to make sure they had all the material that was needed for a complete write up.   We went over this as a class on Monday, I have given the students until we get back from break to turn this in. 
I hope everyone has a very nice Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 9, 2012


What a short week!  Students continued on their "Travelin' Seeds Lab" this week.  On Wednesday, the seventh graders began testing their designed seeds.  While performing a controlled test, students were observing and collecting measurements of the distance the seeds traveled.  On Thursday and Friday, students primarily spent their time using Google Drive to create a chart that would best show the average data from class.  From the chart that students have created, they will be analyzing and concluding in a lab write up.  The Travelin' Seeds packet and chart (with the write up included) are due on Tuesday when we are back from another long weekend.

Friday, November 2, 2012


This week students spent their time learning a little bit more about plants that reproduce using seeds (angiosperms and gymnosperms) and the importance of their structures.  Students completed an observation lab where they were able to view various seeds and seed pods.  Here they hypothesized how the seeds could be dispersed (wind, animals, water, etc.). With the knowledge they learned from this lab, we focused in on wind dispersal seeds solely.  Over the past two days students have been designing and building their own wind dispersal seed (with its' own sporphyte too!). When we come back from the long weekend, each group will test their seeds and will be able to analyze the data.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 25, 2012


This week the students worked on their review for the Unit Test, which was held yesterday.  The test covered characteristics of all living things and characteristics of plants and leaves.  Overall, I am impressed with how the seventh graders performed on the test.  Students really showed that they put some time and effort into their studying!
Wow...can you believe that first quarter has already come to an end?  The science grades are in and we are ready to start second quarter!  Starting Friday and into next week, seventh graders will learn more about plants and dig a little deeper into the importance of seeds.
As a reminder, the first grade of second semester is the "Leaf Collection Project".  Students have been turning in their projects all this week, though they are not actually due until Monday.  Make SURE that all projects are in my room by your class period Monday, October 29th.  I am really looking forward to reading these projects over the weekend.  I  know the students have put in a lot of time and research into them!!

Sunday, October 21, 2012


This past week students have been busy learning about the different characteristics of leaves and how to identify them. Each students brought in leaves to class to observe for a Leaf Scavenger Hunt. Students used their notes to identify characteristics of their leaves such as venation patterns, type of margins and base shapes. This practice activity was helpful for students when they started the "Leaf Classification Lab" on Thursday. Here students used a website to help guide them to determine which tree an individual leaf came from. Seventh graders used characteristics that they learned from the previous activity to help them answer various questions on the website, regarding the different leaves. The activities throughout the week were designed to help the students with the "Leaf Collection Project", which is due Monday October 29th. Students seem to have a nice grasp and are excited about the material we have covered this week- I am eager to see the final projects!

Monday, October 15, 2012


I have finally changed my email to reflect my name change!  You may now email me at  If you have emailed me at over the past few days, I have and will still receive your messages for some time as all messages are being forwarded to the new account.

Thank you,

Kari Gemmell

Friday, October 12, 2012


Seventh graders had a very busy week of learning over the past few days!  On Tuesday, students continued to show their understanding for the six characteristics that all living things share.  Afterwards the students jumped right into the plant unit.  In class students applied what they already knew about living things and compared it to plant, and how plants are living.  Students are demonstrating their understanding for this unit already by the discussions we have had in class.  I am quite impressed!
Over the weekend, I am asking the students to find 4 leaves ( preferably different) and place them into a ziploc bag.  These leaves will be for an activity in lab next week.  This will preview the Leaf Collection Project which we will go over in class next week.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Monday, October 8, 2012


This past week students worked on completing their Metric and Measurement Unit.  On Monday, students completed their Metric Maze.  In the. "Maze" students completed mini labs throughout the classroom. They had to apply their measurement knowledge to answer questions in the labs.  Tuesday and Wednesday, students reviewed for their test which was held on Thursday. 
At the very end of the week, 7th graders were finally introduced to their science textbooks!  Our first unit in our books will be on living things and plants.  Students demonstrated what they already knew about the differences about living versus non living things in class on Friday.  As a side note, students are able to keep their science textbook at home for the rest of the school year and utilize the books for homework and extra practice.  I have an extra set of Life Science text books here at school. 
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Students have been continuing on with the Measurement Unit and have been showing me that they are really feeling confident in this material!  Over the past few days students have been practicing metric conversions, utilizing the "King Henry Died By Drinking Chocolate Milk" mnemonic device.  Though this is not historically correct, it seems to do the trick in trying to remember all the prefixes :-)
Over the next few days students will continue on with measurement but take a step into application of their knowledge.  Seventh graders will partake in what I call "The Metric Maze".  I have stations around my room with different scenarios and activities to use their metric/ measurement knowledge.  I am eager to see how well the kids do!
As a side note, I will be out of school on Thursday, Friday and Monday.  When I return I will be Mrs. Gemmell!  As stated prior and even at Open House, I will keep you posted with email changes through my blog, though for now, all is the same!

Friday, September 21, 2012


Students have had a busy couple weeks.  A few days ago, the 7th graders wrapped up their unit on the Scientific Method.  Just prior to that students used the steps in the scientific method in a couple labs ( Straw Towers Lab and Paper Chromatography Lab) to make sure they were confident in their understanding of this process of inquiry.  Students did a nice job on the unit and I am eager to see them utilize this process throughout the year. 
On Thursday, students started the Measurement Unit.  This unit will be a lot of review for them.  Students are reviewing measurement and the metric system now with notes and activities to make sure they are prepared to use their knowledge in an application activity next week. 
One more note, as students know, our new fish needed a name.  "Roger" is the name picked!
Have a nice weekend!

Friday, September 7, 2012


Seventh graders had a very successful week of exploring the scientific method.  The lesson started with some notes on the steps that we are going to be utilizing throughout each of our labs this year.  Afterwards students were given a purpose ( their question) to take 40 straws, 30 paper clips, and 2 ft. of masking tape to build a tower to hold up a full can of soda.  They had to come up with their own procedure and hypothesis.  Throughout the week, students collaborated in their groups to come up with the best design to hold up with pop can.  Today was our presentation and testing day.  Seventh graders observed their tower along with other classmates' towers and how they handled the can of soda.  Over the weekend, students are finishing up the activity with their conclusion and explaining what they have learned from the lab.
Overall I am very impressed with the creativity and the collaboration shared by all groups. Have a great weekend!

Friday, August 31, 2012


Wow what a week! In Science the 7th graders really did a nice job going over what is expected in the classroom and in lab.  These expectations will be constantly a reviewed throughout the year to make sure students are upholding proper lab technique and positive behavior in class ( these are all found in the syllabus).  As an example, students seem to be very comfortable with Lab Safety, which was a large talking point this week in class.  Students ended off the day with an "E slip" to make sure they were understanding all the lab safety procedures before moving on to any labs this year. 
I did pick from the fish names, for those who had submitted a name for our fish. His name will be Chubbs.  For those of you who suggested a name, I thank you as now our 7th grade fish has a name!
Have a nice long weekend!

Friday, August 24, 2012


Happy New Year!  Happy New SCHOOL Year! Our Open House was a success, and I was able to meet lots of new 7th graders.  I am so excited to start the school year, I hope you are too!
For my homebase, if you did not come to Open House or did not bring your Kleenex, please remember to bring it next week.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Students completed the very much anticipated Frog Dissection yesterday.  I am very impressed with the accuracy, precision, and patience I saw throughout this lab.  The students focused their time last week on understanding the anatomy of the frog and the functions of each organ. 
This week students are focusing the time on reviewing  for our final test of the year.  The test the Thursday will cover the Animal Kingdom, Vertebrates, Amphibians and Frogs. 

Monday, May 14, 2012


Last week students started the final unit of the year!  I cannot believe this year has gone by so fast.  Students are studying the Animal Kingdom now.  We completed a brief observation which included various species of invertebrates and vertebrates varying in simple to very complex organisms.  Students took very nice notes during this activity.  Now, we are primarily focusing on the vertebrates, more specifically amphibians and frogs.  Students are very excited about this unit as our lab later this week will be a dissection.  Students are preparing themselves to be ready for the 2 1/2 day lab starting this Wednesday.   

Friday, May 4, 2012


Today and over the weekend students are completing a take home assessment for science.  The 7th graders are able to use their notes (many organized packets to reference their information) and their book, though that is all.  Students are not allowed to work with one another, with parents, siblings or other family members or use online resources.  As I told the students in class, they should not have to use any of the later resources if they completed their notes and compiled their materials.  I have confidence in the 7th graders that they will do a great job on their assessments!
This week students did a really nice job wrapping up the Protist and Fungi Unit.  It seems that many are very eager for the next Kingdom....the Animal Kingdom!!  Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Monday, April 30, 2012


Wow! The students were amazed at the bacterial growth on their petri dishes last week!  Though there was a lot of bacteria growth, students did understand that not all bacteria is pathogenic.  After students viewed the various types of growth, we wrapped up our Bacteria Unit with a short quiz. 
Our next step into the various kingdoms are protist and fungi.  Last week, students did a Pond Water Observation and students were able to see all the critters, mostly protist, though some small animals too, in the water!  Students did a really nice job classifying the different organisms.
This week students will be learning more about protists and fungi!

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Over this past week students really took a step into the two domains of Archaea and Bacteria.  We went over some various differences along with a few similarities both of these domains and their kingdoms share.  Additionally this week, students were placed on a mission to find bacteria around the school.  They designed their own lab starting with a question.  On Friday the students took their various samples and placed them into their petri dishes.  All members of the staff at Lakeview are eager to see the results the young scientists in the 7th grade will find!
At this time, I am very impressed with the questions the students came up with for the lab.  Students are beginning to realize that bacteria do in fact live all around us, whether they are harmful or helpful.  I think a lot of the students will really be surprised with the results!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


This week students finished up on the Classification Unit with a longer quiz.  Next we will get right into learning about the individual kingdoms.  Students already have one kingdom completed, as it was one of our first units of the year, the plant unit.  Now students will proceed on with the rest of the kingdoms starting with Eubacteria and Archaeabacteria.   Students have done a nice job demonstrating their understanding for the core concepts throughout the year, and as we are taking steps into specific kingdoms, it will be necessary for students to retain all the knowledge they have gainedand worked so hard for. 
In class, students will be observing the different features and shapes of bacteria.  We will discuss where bacteria can be found, how they can be harmful and even helpful!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Students finished the Genetics and DNA Unit with lots of review throughout last week to show their comprehension and mastery of the chapters.  The students completed a review packet in class as a "Checkpoint" of understanding before moving on to the next unit of study.  Students did a very nice job on this unit, and should be proud of themselves of the knowledge they know posses!
We are now initiating a shorter unit on evolution, or change over time.  The students will specifically be studying the scientist, Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution and natural selection.  Students will also be learning about specific adaptations and how they are so important in the natural selection process or organisms.

Friday, March 2, 2012


Students wrapped up their Genetics Projects with the last presentations today.  I am really impressed with the outcome of the 7th grade projects.  Once again, students could choose between a disorder or an advance in genetics to research and discover.  After the time and effort that was placed into these projects, the students really became the "experts" in which the goal intended.
Next week, we will be finishing the Genetics and DNA unit with a review of the two chapters.  There will be no test since next week is ISAT week.
I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Students completed the week with a quiz, our Chapter 5.2 and Chapter 6.2 quiz.  Afterwards, students initiated their genetic research project.  On Friday I mostly navigated the students through the information packet and the requirements of this project.  The genentics project is one of the largest projects of the year, and one where I am giving the students a lot of freedom to choose what they would like to learn about. 
Starting on Tuesday, the students took off with their research on the topics in which they have chosen (whether it is a disorder or an advance in genetics). The students have been guided by questions that I have given them only to make sure they have enough information for their final project which are due next week. 
Happy researching!

Friday, February 3, 2012


Students were able to apply their knowledge of genetics with their knew learned concept of the Punnett Square.  Students seemed to enjoy to logic behind the Punnett Squares and the variety of scenarios that they have been working with to make sure we are all understanding genetic outcomes. 
On Wednesday students took a quiz on DNA and Mendel's work and today the students a deeper look into their own genetic traits. Students surveyed their own traits and then each 7th grade class was surveyed to see whether the dominant or recessive traits are more noticeable among the students.  The results did vary among the classes.  Though we will wrap up this activity on Monday before we move on to studying. Meiosis. 
Enjoy the weekend.

Friday, January 27, 2012


Students started this week by completing the DNA strands per class.  The students were really able to visualize the nucleotides pair together and how these make up the DNA.  On Tuesday, the students were able to extract DNA from a split pea.  We discussed how this could be possible with any living thing as long as it has a cell to hold the nucleus and DNA.  I have noticed students are becoming more aware with their surroundings in the lab and showing their understanding for the concept at hand. 
We are finishing off the week with the introduction into genetics and Gregor Mendel, the father of genetics.  The students are taking a look into the experiments that he completed that have acted as a stepping stone in the history of genetic research. 
Next week the students will start off with a reenactment of Mendel's second experiment and understanding how to use Punnett Squares.
Have a great weekend!

Friday, January 20, 2012


The students started the week by completing the short lesson on cancer and completing a few more questions.  Once again, the students really did a fantastic job with this short section!
On Wednesday, all of the science classes partook in the Spelling Bee. The students did a really nice job participating.  The finalist for each class went on to competing in the second round on Thursday during study hall.
On Thursday and Friday we picked right back up with science and started our Genetics and DNA Unit.  The students are designing a strand of DNA and will be combining it, not only with their individual classes but with the whole 7th grade.  This activity is designed to visualize the nucleotide base pairs and to see the different code combinations that each class will have.

Friday, January 13, 2012


This week students completed their unit on the cell processes.  Early in the week, the students focused their learning on Mitosis and Cell Division to determine and understand how many chromosome would be in each of the daughter cells.  Students finished a Mitosis Lab on Monday which carried right into a review for the test.  The Cell Process Test was held on Thursday.  On Friday, we extending the unit just a bit by learning about what happens when there is not a lot of apoptosis ( cell death) and too much mitosis.  The students learned about cancer, how this disease is caused and what types of treatments can be used.
Just next week Lakeview Junior High will be partaking in a fantastic fundraiser for cancer called Cancer Smashers.  I was very pleased with the inquiry that the students brought to the classroom today. 
Have a nice weekend.

Friday, January 6, 2012


This week students explored the final cell process of the unit, the cell cycle.  We took an in depth view into the three parts of the cell cycle and determining the differences between them.  After watching how this process actually takes place, the students ended the week with a mitosis lab.  The goal of the lab is to find all the stages of cell division along with interphase in an onion root tip.  So far, I am very impressed with how well the students are able to identify the stages of the cell cylce! 
Students will finish the "Mitosis Lab" on Monday. We will be wrapping up the Cell Process Unit next week with a test before moving onto genetics!