Friday, November 7, 2014


This week students focused on eukaryotic cells.  Seventh graders started creating their Cell Analogy Projects.  Students will be comparing each organelle to something with a similar function,  that they are more familiar with.  These familiar items will come from magazines.  As an extra challenge, some students have decided to base all their images around a certain theme.  I am very excited to view the final products on Tuesday before our next lab.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Students did a fantastic job on their Cell Theory projects.  They truly have become experts in how the cell was first discovered.  This week, students have been exploring the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.  Not only are students reading and discussing these differences, they are using the microscopes to visualize the differences, themselves.  Next, students took a deeper look into the eukaryotic cell (i.e. plant cell, animal cell, etc.) and the organelles that enable them to work efficiently.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


This past week, students have become experts in the Cell Theory, along with the various scientists who took part in creating the theory for us today. Students were placed into groups and asked to find answers to given questions on the Cell Theory and the scientists behind it.  Students are creating a presentation and an activity for their classes.  In the next few days, students will be presenting their work.  I am very eager to see the final products!

Sunday, October 5, 2014


Throughout this week students have been taking their time getting used to the microscopes.  As these are tools that the young scientists will utilize throughout the year, I want to make sure everyone feels 100% comfortable.
Students took their first assessment in science on Thursday, Chapter 2 and Microscope Quiz.  I am very impressed with how the students were able to demonstrate their knowledge of living things a long with the microscope.
The students ended the week with an ungraded Cells Pre Test.  Our next unit is on cells, and students were able to take a glimpse into that they will be discovering throughout this unit.

Monday, September 29, 2014


Now that students have their textbooks, we are continuing our learning about the characteristics of living things. Additionally students demonstrated what they already know about microscopes this week.  This second part of our short unit will emphasize the importance of the microscope, how to utilize them properly and most efficiently.  Students are completing Microscope Mania on Monday and Tuesday in preparation for their first science assessment on Thursday.

Friday, September 19, 2014


This week students were challenged to brainstorm characteristics that all living things share.  Not only did students actively come up with various characteristics, they were able to put their prior knowledge to work during a stations lab.  In the stations lab, students were asked to use their characteristics to identify whether a specimen was living, non living or dead.  After the two day activity students were quite surprised with some of the answers ( i.e.- living bacteria is in yogurt, grass seed is living, etc.).
To end off the week, students were given their Life Science textbooks to continue learning about living things.  With regards to the textbook, students can take these home for the year.  I have enough copies here at school where we will always have textbooks in the classroom for 7th graders to use.  I just ask that they are brought back to school in the same condition as they are today.
Looking forward, we will be exploring how to use the microscope next week.  Have a great weekend!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Welcome back!!
Seventh graders are doing a nice job getting used to the science room and the expectations. Last week, we went over the science syllabus and completed a few activities where students demonstrated their readiness for 7th grade science.  The syllabus can be found on Google Classroom, under the "About" tab.  All important information can be found under this tab.
This week students will start going over lab safety and the scientific method.